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Decoding the Lexicon: Abbreviations and Acronyms in the Vocabulary of Nursing Students

Abbreviations and Acronyms in the Vocabulary of Nursing Students

Abbreviations and Acronyms in the Vocabulary of Nursing Students

Decoding the Lexicon: Abbreviations and Acronyms in the Vocabulary of Nursing Students

Certainly! Here are some additional alphabetical full forms commonly used by nursing students:

AB – Antibody

AC – Before Meals

AD – Alzheimer’s Disease

AMA – Against Medical Advice

ASAP – As Soon As Possible

BID – Twice a Day (from the Latin “bis in die”)

BM – Bowel Movement

BP – Blood Pressure

BRP – Bathroom Privileges

BS – Blood Sugar

BUN – Blood Urea Nitrogen

C-section – Cesarean Section

CC – Chief Complaint

CDC – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

CHF – Congestive Heart Failure

CM – Centimeter

CNS – Central Nervous System

CSF – Cerebrospinal Fluid

CT – Computed Tomography

CXR – Chest X-Ray

DNR – Do Not Resuscitate

DOB – Date of Birth

DVT – Deep Vein Thrombosis

EBL – Estimated Blood Loss

ECMO – Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation

ER – Emergency Room

FHR – Fetal Heart Rate

Foley – Foley Catheter

GCS – Glasgow Coma Scale

H&P – History and Physical Examination

HCT – Hematocrit

Hgb – Hemoglobin

HIV – Human Immunodeficiency Virus

HOH – Hard of Hearing

HR – Heart Rate

HTN – Hypertension

IBW – Ideal Body Weight

ICP – Intracranial Pressure

IM – Intramuscular

I&O – Intake and Output

IVF – In Vitro Fertilization

L&D – Labor and Delivery

LFT – Liver Function Test

LPN – Licensed Practical Nurse

MAS – Meconium Aspiration Syndrome

MI – Myocardial Infarction

MRSA – Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus

NICU – Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

NS – Normal Saline

NVD – Normal Vaginal Delivery

O2 – Oxygen

OB/GYN – Obstetrics and Gynecology

OR – Operating Room

OTC – Over-the-Counter

PCA – Patient-Controlled Analgesia

PICC – Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter

PO – By Mouth (from the Latin “per os”)

PRN – As Needed (from the Latin “pro re nata”)

PTT – Partial Thromboplastin Time

ROM – Range of Motion

RR – Respiratory Rate

Rx – Prescription

SOB – Shortness of Breath

TB – Tuberculosis

TID – Three Times a Day (from the Latin “ter in die”)

TPN – Total Parenteral Nutrition

URI – Upper Respiratory Infection

VDRL – Venereal Disease Research Laboratory

WNL – Within Normal Limits

YO – Year Old

Remember that the use of abbreviations and acronyms can vary, so it’s always important to double-check with your instructors or healthcare professionals to ensure accurate and clear communication.

Abbreviations and Acronyms: The Language of Nursing Students in Medical Terminology

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